Thursday, March 27, 2014

2nd Annual Fun Run

Mohr's 2nd Annual Fun Run will be held on Wednesday, April 9th. It is an all-day event to help garner school spirit and raise money for technology.

Today, your students should have brought home their Fun Run envelope and Pledge Form. If they plan on getting sponsors, make sure they fill out the form and return it on Monday, April 7th. Money is not needed yet, just the pledge forms.

5th Grade's color is BLUE, so students should show their spirit by wearing as much BLUE as possible. T-shirts will be given out on the day of the Fun Run for each student.

If you have any questions about the event, please let me know. The 5th graders will be racing from 1:50pm-2:30pm on April 9th, so if you want to stop by and show them encouragement, that would be great. Just make sure you get a visitor's badge in the office first!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Children's Choir

Amador UNICEF Presents
Hand in Hand

its second annual multicultural show fundraiser

Friday, May 16th from 7-9pm
at the Pleasanton Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

Be a part of the children’s choir!

Every Monday starting April 7 from 3:20-4:30
in the Walnut Grove Music Room

Directed by Ms. Martie Muldoon


with questions or to sign up

Friday, March 14, 2014

Donation Opportunities

Our classroom is in need of a few items. If you are interested in donating any of the following, we'd really appreciate it!

  1. Kleenex boxes
  2. Printer paper (plain white)
  3. Binder paper (college or wide ruled)
  4. Glue sticks

Thank you in advance for all your support!