Friday, February 24, 2017

Weekly News: Week 25

This week students turned in their Historical Reports and also gave speeches on their topics. It was wonderful to hear all of them becoming experts on their topics!

We've also been hard at work on our Colony Travel Videos! Students are being very creative as they think of the best way to get their ideas across. Videos are due Tuesday, Feb 28th. They need to be uploaded to YouTube or emailed to me. Once all the videos are in I will send out the link to the playlist so everyone can enjoy them!

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday, Feb 27th
    • BYOD- last day for videos
  • Tuesday, Feb 28th
    • Colony videos uploaded and ready to go
  • Friday, March 3rd
    • Module 4 Math Test

*** 2nd Trimester Report Cards go home Friday, March 10th. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

PPIE Run- Registration Open

Hope to see you all at this year's PPIE Run for Education! I will be out there on Sunday, April 23rd and I hope you will join me for this wonderful cause. Registration is now open!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Historical Reports & Speeches

Image result for speech

For the last seven weeks students have been working on their Historical Information Reports. We have drafted, researched, created, typed... and finally we are ready to present!

On Tuesday (Feb 21st) they need to have a printed copy of their report with them when they come to school. With this report they are also giving a speech about their topic. I have attached the speech requirements HERE. Speeches begin on Tuesday as well, and students should have a visual aide to help enhance their speech.

Mr. Marx's writing students will be giving their speech on Thursday (Feb 23rd). The requirements for their speech are HERE.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Speeches start next Tuesday!

Starting next Tuesday (Feb. 21) students will be presenting a speech based on their Historical Report. Each student has been working on a topic from United States history which they have been writing about, and now they will become the expert to teach the class about their event.

The instructions for the speech can be found at com as well as linked HERE.

Next Tuesday students should have two things ready to go:

  • their Historical Report printed, and 
  • their speech & visual aide

Monday, February 13, 2017

Pennies for Patients

Our school has accepted the challenge of helping to find a cure for Blood Cancer! We are joining over 29,000 schools across the nation to make a difference and raise as much money as we can!  Our school goal is to raise at least $500! 

Friends Helping Friends is hosting a dollar drive from Feb. 14th thru the 24th!  If you would like to bring any kind of dollar ($1, $5, etc...), coins or a check (made out to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) in an envelope or baggie to school please do!  Students can turn their donations into their teacher. Every little bit helps towards Mohr Elementary making a difference in others lives!

Your donations help families of patients pay for medicines, doctors, or other expenses and also help fund research focused on finding a cure!

Thank you for your support in this ongoing battle against Blood Cancer!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Weekly News: Week 23

Wow! Outdoor Ed was amazing! We have been talking non-stop since we got back about all the wonderful things we experienced. Tidepools, puppet shows, elephant seals, and the Redwoods all led to experiences we will never forget. It may have rained pretty much the entire time we were there, but it gave us a lot of amazing experiences! We will never forget the trek at Ano Nuevo to see the elephant seals and walking through mud and puddles. Once we embraced our wet feet, there was no stopping us!
Thank you to all our wonderful chaperones who helped make this trip possible! Thank you Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Lai, Ms. Bellare, Mrs. Khansa, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Yalamanchi, Mr. Bollu, and Mr. Chen! You are all amazing for joining us on this trip!

More pictures will be posted soon... don't forget to check out our photo site HERE, to see photos as they are added!

Thursday and Friday were pretty mellow days. We were all pretty tired, but we learned about our Colony Video Project & we started a new class novel, Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. We also started to write a free verse poem about our Outdoor Ed experience. Today we tried the Marshmallow Challenge and realized it's much harder to work together and build a free-standing tower than we originally thought.



  • Monday, Feb 13th
    • No School
  • Tuesday, Feb 14th
    • Valentine Exchange... please bring a valentine for every classmate if you plan on bringing in Valentines
  • Friday, Feb 17th
    • Minimum Day 8:15-12:30

As we are working on our colony videos students are allowed to bring in their devices on the following days: Wed 2/15; Thurs 2/16; Tues 2/21; Thurs 2/23; Fri 2/24

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Science Fair Boards

Please check out the information below about the upcoming Science Fair.  This a completely voluntary event.


Dear Families,

We are excited to share with you information regarding this year's Mohr Science Fair!  The Science Fair is on March 14th and we are looking forward to this annual event here at Mohr.  Next Tuesday, February 14th, we will be selling the Science Fair proboards that students use to display their experiments.  We have always done this (Thanks to PTA) as a courtesy and convenience to our future scientists.  The boards are sold at cost and are a lower price than buying them at the store.  Each board sells for $3.50.  We will sell the boards until they are gone. Next Tuesday your child can purchase a board after school in the library. We will be selling them at 1:55 for the morning readers who are dismissed earlier.  All other students can buy their boards at 2:50.  Checks can be made out to PTA.  

We are looking forward to another successful Science Fair.  If you have any questions you can email Mrs. Stanford ( or 
Susmita Patniak (
Thank you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Valentines Exchange

We will be celebrating Valentines Day on Tuesday, February 14th. If your student would like to bring in valentines, please make sure there is one for every classmate. Below is a list of all the students in the room.

Please note: this will not be a party, but rather a chance for the students to exchange valentines. Candy is welcome, when attached to a valentine.



Friday, February 3, 2017

Weekly News: Week 22

This week we finished reading "Blood on the River" which is a historical fiction novel about the founding of Jamestown. It was quite an interesting read about how the first successful English colony came to be! We also had our January pay day and auction!

For art we created beautiful stained glass hearts. Check them out on our Twitter page!

Of course, the thing everyone's eagerly anticipating... Outdoor Ed! We leave bright and early on Monday!

A few logistics for Monday:

  • Please have your student at the flag pole in the front of the school by 7:45am. We hope to leave by 8:00am.
  • Students should be responsible for their luggage, sleeping bag, backpack, and water bottle.
  • Students need a bag lunch for Monday. No other food is necessary.
  • Their backpack should contain their lunch, water bottle, hat, and jacket. Everything else should be packed.
  • Remember... no devices
  • Weather report... cloudy and rainy. Make sure your student packs a rain jacket (no umbrellas), and plenty of layers. We are out on the coast where it is much windier.
I will be posting pictures of our trip to our class Twitter page (which automatically adds it to our website!)... keep an eye out for our adventures!

On Wednesday we should be returning around 3:00pm. I will update Mrs. Wolfinger of our arrival, so please call the office if you want a updated time.

Friday Folders/ Progress Reports

There will not be Friday Folders or Progress Reports on Feb 3rd or 10th due to our class trip to Outdoor Ed. They will resume on Friday, February 17th.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Blood on the River novel test tomorrow (2/2/17)

Tomorrow students will take a comprehension test about our class novel, Blood on the River. The test is an open book test.

Students should study the following vocabulary words and their definitions to prepare:

  • apprentice
  • prophecy
  • tallow
  • palisade
  • hominy

The test is worth 30 points. 
  • 5 vocabulary questions (1 pt each)
  • 22 multiple choice (1 pt each)
  • 1 short answer (worth 3 points)