Thursday, April 11, 2019

Upcoming Events

Attached to this week's progress report is a letter highlighting all the important dates that are coming in the next few weeks. I've also included the letter here. Please keep these dates in your calendar as we have so many events in these next 6 weeks.

Middle School Math Placement Test
On Monday, April 22nd, students will be taking the Math Placement Test for middle school. This is a paper and pencil test designed by the 6th grade teachers, featuring all 5th grade standards. This test features 2 parts. Part 1 is 30 multiple choice questions. Part 2 features 3 word problems. Students will be completing both parts on Monday. This test can cause a lot of stress for students, so please talk with them about trying their best. I know that many students want to score well enough to be placed in the 6/7 math class next year. All the questions are taken from the 5th grade standards. I recommend reviewing old tests, if you wish to prepare.

CAASPP Testing
5th grade begins testing the week of May 6th.  These computer tests will be happening in the morning, so please help to make sure your student is well rested, has eaten breakfast, and is on time to school. In 5th grade we take 2 ELA tests, 2 Math tests, and 1 Science test for the state. Please be on time to school.