Thursday, December 3, 2015

Holiday Can Food Drive

Holiday Can Food Drive - December 7th - 11th

Our class is participating in the Friends Helping Friends annual Holiday Can Food Drive.  With your donations, we will be able to put tubs of food together that will be donated to local families during this holiday season :)  Our class is collecting boxes of cake mix or brownie mix.

Thank you for your support!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Santa Speech

Today the first speech of the year was assigned. Students will be creating a narrative story, imagining themselves as Santa. Based on the book, "How Santa Got His Job", which can be seen the in video linked below, students will tell us all about how they became Santa.

There is a lot of creativity involved in this speech and practice is extremely important! Speeches begin on Monday, December 14th. I encourage all students to memorize as much as possible, and keep within the 2 minute timeframe.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Weekly News

Outdoor Ed

On Thursday a packet of information regarding Outdoor Ed was sent home with your student. Included in the packet was:

  • our class dates (January 27-29, 2016), 
  • the donation amount of $320 made payable to PUSD, 
  • as well as 2 important field trip forms ( blue & pink). Please make sure you fill out both the blue & pink field trip forms, and have your student bring them to school. 
  • I will also be collecting any Exploring New Horizons t-shirts or sweatshirts forms.

You were also sent an email on Thursday, containing this link, HERE, which takes you to Pigeon Point's online medical form. Please fill this out for your child.


Next Monday, November 16th is the beginning of Parent Teacher Conferences. To remind yourself of your appointment time, please click the link, HERE. We will be meeting in the classroom, Room 12C, which is upstairs.  I look forward to meeting with all of you.

Thanksgiving Break

There is no school on Friday, November 20th through Friday, November 27th. School resumes on Monday, November 30th.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Fun Run Donations

This is just a reminder that the Fun Run pledge packets are due by next Thursday, November 12th. The kids did a great job at the run!  Please turn in packets with donations to me anytime between now and the 12th.  Thank you for your donations for our students!

Reading Is Cool program

Our class is participating in the "Reading is Cool" program through the San Jose Sharks. Students will tally the amount of pages they read each month. In March, we will celebrate with an optional trip to a Sharks game with some of the children and parents from Mrs. Carrolan's class.

More information about the Sharks game will be forthcoming. Below is a digital copy of the letter your students received.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Scholastic Book Orders- November

Click on the link below to order any books for this month's Scholastic book order. Checks can also be sent in to school. Our order is due on Friday, November 13th.

A few book recommendations:
  • Absolutely Almost by Lisa Graff
  • Class Dismissed by Allan Woodrow
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
  • Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage
  • Love That Dog by Sharon Creech
  • Absolutely Truly by Heather Vogel Frederick
  • The Honest Truth by Dan Gemeinhart

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fun Run online form

The annual Fun Run is on Wednesday, November 4th, and this year students are able to set up an online donation sheet to make collecting money easier than ever before.

Check out this link HERE for directions on how to set up a page. 

Here are the prizes for the Fun Run:
Grand Prize for Top Earner - A new Kindle Fire!
Grand Prize for Top Earning Class - A Pizza Party!
Grand Prize for Top Earning Grade Level - Ice Cream Treats!
Class with Highest number of e-mail donations on PledgeStar - Free Recess!
Single Most Spirited Class - Fun Run Keychains!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Upcoming Events

Red Ribbon Week

Next week (October 26-30) is Red Ribbon Week.
Monday- students will get wristbands
Tuesday- wear crazy socks
Wednesday- wear red
Thursday- wear sunglasses
Friday- Halloween parade & class party; minimum day dismissal at 12:30pm

Progress Reports

Today your student should be bringing home their latest Progress Report. Please look over your student's latest work.

Please keep in mind that we have several large projects in process:

  • Students just turned in a nonfiction Narrative story on Wednesday which is in the process of being graded. 
  • Students are also currently working on a fiction Halloween story which will be earning them a grade as well. 
  • In Social Studies, we are also in the middle of a large project which will be completed before the end of the 1st trimester.
  • In Science, they are working on a large Element project.

This progress report is simply a current picture of their grades. This is the last progress report that will be sent before November Conferences. If you do not currently have a November Conference time, please click HERE, and select an open time.

Yearbook Ads- Attention 5th Grade Families!

Don't miss out! Congratulate your 5th grader and express your pride and love with an ad in the 2016 Mohr Yearbook! Each 1/8 page ad is $20. Create and pay for your ad online no later than November 6th. Download the flyer [] for instructions and more information!

Outdoor Ed Chaperones

If you are interested in being a chaperone for Outdoor Ed in January, don't forget to fill out the Google Form, HERE. Names need to be submitted by November 6th.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Wonderful" Reflections

For the past few weeks we've been reading the novel Wonder by RJ Palacio. This is always a very popular novel and it talks a lot about how we treat others and the legacy we leave behind. Students are introduced to August Pullman, a 5th grade student in New York who is a pretty normal kid, except for the facial deformities he was born with. How he is treated, and the impact he has on other students, is pretty astounding.

We all really enjoyed reading Wonder and we've just started the companion book Auggie & Me. Take a look at the amazing ideas and insights your students have had as we read this book. Click on any of the links in the picture below to be sent to our Padlets. You can also reach it, HERE.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Book Fair Next Week!

October 12-16th is our Fall Book Fair! Check out the great selection in our school library all next week.  Family night is Tuesday, October 13th from 6:30-8pm. Stop by with your family and see if any books interest you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Module 1 Test Tomorrow!

Just a reminder, tomorrow is the Module 1 math test. Below is the answers to the Interactive Study Guide we went over in class today. Study hard and good luck tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Outdoor Ed Parent Night- DATE CHANGE

Hi Everyone!  We've had a date change for our Outdoor Ed Parent Night. It will now be on Tuesday, October 20th at 6:30pm in the MPR.

Below is a copy of the letter you will be receiving this week with all the information. This meeting is extremely important and should be attended. You will receive a lot of important information about the logistics of the program. Students will be attending their own meeting earlier in the school day.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Folders & Progress Reports

Today in your child's backpack you should find our first Friday Folder & Progress Reports. The work included is yours to keep, as well as your child's progress report. Keep in mind that we just completed a writer's notebook check, so there will be a few writing grades on the next progress report.

If you could please sign the bottom of the orange Progress report page to let me know you have seen your student's grades.  Your student should bring that signed slip to class on Monday. And as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Your student should know how they earned all of their grades.

Also... don't forget that our first Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, September 30th. We already have several orders and every order helps earn FREE BOOKS for our class library. You can order online by clicking on this banner below... our class code is GVYZL. You can also send in your order with a check and I will place it on Wednesday.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Scholastic Book Orders

Today you should be seeing our Scholastic Book Order forms in your child's binder. Each month we will be sending home a selection of book orders for your student to choose from. If you would like to order online head to and type in our class code: GVYZL or click on the red banner above. You can help our class earn FREE BOOKS for our library.

Our first order is due on Wednesday, September 30th.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mid Module 1 Test

This upcoming Monday, September 21st is our first math test. The students will be taking the Mid Module 1 test.

Today they received a study guide to help them become familiar with what is on the test, as well as an Interactive Study Guide that they will do for homework. This features questions similar to the test and will help the students test their knowledge.

Here's the study guide we wrote in our math spirals.


Friday, September 11, 2015

United States Regions Project

We're beginning our first Social Studies Project! Today the class found out about the different U.S. regions we will be learning about. This project will be done primarily in class, but you may be bringing some things home to finish up.

Here's the instruction sheet, if you need a refresher. Can't wait to see what you all create!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Picture Day- Tomorrow, 9/10/15

Tomorrow is picture day! If you would like to order pictures online head to and select Mohr.

Students also have PE tomorrow, so make sure they have tennis shoes.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

I hope everyone is having a restful holiday weekend!

I just wanted to make sure that those of you who still need to fill out the information for our class contact list could easily find it. The original post is now on the second page, but you can find the form embedded below. You can also find it at this link, HERE.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Change in Prep Schedule

For those of you looking for the information delivered at Back to School Night, you can find the link to the presentation, HERE.

Also, there have been a few slight changes to the Prep Schedule to better accommodate Band & Strings:

Mondays- Computer Lab 8:15-9:50
Tuesdays- Band & Strings 9:40-10:40; Science Lab 2:05-2:50
Wednesdays- PE 9:05-9:50; Library 11:40-12:20
Thursdays- Music 1:20-2:05; PE 2:05-2:50
Fridays- Science Lab 9:55-10:40

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tonight's Homework Assignment

Please fill out the following form and turn it in for your homework tonight! If you can't see the form embedded below, click HERE.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Our First Week Together

Wow! What a great first week of school! I can already tell we are in for a really fun time together. This week we tried a couple of different group activities.

The first one was "Save Fred"... students had to save Fred (a gummy worm) from his capsized boat by putting his life jacket on him. The one problem... they couldn't touch anything with their hands, only the four paper clips provided. Students really had a fun time trying to maneuver Fred into his life jacket.
Then today we participated in the Marshmallow Challenge! Each group was given 20 pieces of dry spaghetti, 1 yard of tape, 1 yard of string, and 1 marshmallow. The problem... make the tallest freestanding structure that can support the weight of 1 marshmallow at the top. Only 2 groups were able to keep their structure standing, with the tallest one being 20 inches!

Can't wait to see what we have going on the rest of the school year!

Also, parents, if you haven't filled out our contact form, HERE, please do. It will help me collect everyone's email addresses. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Field Trip Drivers Wanted

If you are interested in being one of our driver's this year, please make sure you have signed up HERE to get added to our class list.

Our first field trip will be in the middle of October. In order to drive you need these two forms filled out and turned in to the front office.

  1. Driver's Insurance Form... fillable form found HERE
  2. Volunteer Clearance Form... which you should have turned in during Walk-Thru Registration. If not you can get one from Mrs. Wolfinger or Mrs. O'Neal in the office.

Thank you in advance to the 8 parents who have already signed up to be drivers this year. We appreciate you!

Back to School Night

Don't forget.... 
Back to School Night is tomorrow (Thursday)!

in the MPR 
for a message from Mrs. Berglin

in Room 12C (upstairs) 
for class information

See you then!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Back to School Action Items

I'm so thrilled to have your family in my classroom this year. To help make things quicker on Back to School Night on Thursday there are three things to complete before you come to the classroom.

First, please fill out the form below with your information for this year's class list. Most important class information is either emailed out, sent out using Remind, or posted on this site.

Also, please make sure you submit your email address to this site, which is found in the right hand column. This will keep you updated regularly of events, important dates, etc.

2015-2016 Contact Information

There are two sign ups that every parent needs to check out this week...
  1. Parent Volunteers: 2 room parents are needed to work together to help plan parties, send emails, be a liaison for PTA information, etc. Also please sign up to be a driver for any future field trips
  2. November Conferences: please sign up for a report card conference time that will be held the week of November 16th.

Please link up with me through Remind. Remind will let me send out important reminders of tests, projects, holidays, etc. straight to your phone or email!

1st Day of School

Welcome to the Wilcox Crew! I'm so excited to start the school year with all of you in my class! I hope you will have a wonderful 5th grade year with me. We are going to have a lot of fun and learn a lot of things! Get ready for an exciting final year at Mohr!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Welcome to the Wilcox Crew! Can't wait to meet you all on Tuesday!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Thanks for the Memories!

It's the last day of school and I can hardly believe the 2014-2015 school year is over! 
I put together a little video that shows our year together, and you can find it HERE.
Feel free to download it and any of the pictures.

Good luck in 6th grade and beyond! 
You will do amazing things! Enjoy your summer!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Culmination Tomorrow

Just a quick reminder!

Tomorrow is Culmination for the 5th graders. We will be starting tomorrow at 11am in the MPR. The ceremony should last no more than an hour and then you are welcome to take your 5th grader home with you right after the ceremony.

Report cards will be handed out tomorrow, so make sure your student has it before you leave school.

It's been a wonderful year and it's gone by quickly. Have a great summer!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Last Few Events

As we enter the last few days of school I wanted to remind you of a couple key events happening:

Friday, June 5th, 2:05pm- Band & Strings performance
Wednesday, June 10th, 10am-2pm - Pool Day at Pleasanton Aquatic Center
Thursday, June 11th, 9:15-11:30 - Field Day
Friday, June 12th, 11am - Culmination

Also, in the Resources tab you will find a link to the photos I've taken in our classroom this year. Feel free to check them out!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A's Game Tomorrow

Students are also welcome to bring mitts & hats. 

We will be leaving school around 10:30am and should return by 2:50pm.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Open House, Wednesday

Our classroom will be open on Wednesday 5/20/15 from 6:30-7:30PM. Stop by and check out all the work your student has done this year. We have created a lot of digital projects so in order to be able to check them out I recommend you download a QR reader app to your phone ahead of time. See you on Wednesday!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Guest Blogger- Abby

The Art of Tests
By Abby

This week was the week of tests! It's almost the end of the year, so we have lots of testing. And pretty much all of them have been math. I don't think anyone likes the amount of tests, anyway. Some people, however, are unsure. All I can say is that I hope they stop soon!

However, off the subject of tests, Ms. Wilcox gave us all beautiful pages to color in. In my opinion, the finished products are beautiful! Others must like them too, because there are even some taped up on desks. This has been: Wilcox Crew Student News!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Guest Blogger- Marie

We had a lot of things this week! First off, we had our Mid Module test. I hope everyone got good scores! We are always starting to test on computers for ELA and math. Good luck! We also finished the book Absolutely Truly. And we are writing about why there should or shouldn't be chocolate milk in school, aka opinion writing. There are only around six weeks of school left. can you believe that? Next year we will all be off to middle school. I will miss Mohr. :(

By Marie

Friday, May 1, 2015

Mohr Elementary Community Survey

Take a few minutes and add your voice to Mohr School. We're looking for your input as we plan future school events for the 2015-2016 school year.

Mohr Community Survey

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Guest Blogger- Shreya

Absolutely Truly

Our class has started reading a book by Heather Vogel Fredrick. The book is about Truly finding a letter in an old first edition of Charlotte's Web. Truly and her friends Cha Cha, Jasmine, Lucas and Calhoun A.K.A Romeo search around town for clues and to figure out who is leaving the notes. The book is very interesting and our class has many predictions on who is leaving the notes. The people we think are leaving the notes are Belinda Winchester, Calhoun's dad, Calhoun, and Ella Bellow.            

 By: Shreya

Thursday, April 23, 2015

New Math Resource

I just came across a really comprehensive new math resource for EngageNY (soon to be referred to as Eureka Math)...

Go to and you will find every module, every lesson... with videos, explanations, and even more. If you struggle with any of the new concepts, or need to see things again... head that way.

Bookmark that site and use it to help you before tests, with your homework at night... however you need it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Testing Reminder

Just a quick reminder... we start testing next week. Our first test is Monday, April 27th and we'll be taking the ELA Computer Adaptive Test.

Please make sure your child is at school next Monday, on time, and has eaten a good breakfast.

Here's the dates, again, for anyone who needs them:

Mon, 4/27- ELA CAT
Mon, 5/4- ELA Performance Task
Mon, 5/11- 6th Grade Placement Test Part I
Tues, 5/12- 6th Grade Placement Test Part II
Wed, 5/13- Math CAT
Fri, 5/15- 6th Grade Math Placement Test Part III
Tues, 5/19- CST Science Part I
Wed, 5/20- CST Science Part II
Fri 5/29- Math Performance Task

Remember that this just a chance for your student to share how much they've learned this year.  We are having a great year together, and they are such a friendly, exciting, thoughtful, intelligent group of kids. I want them to try their best, and be happy with their effort.

Monday, April 20, 2015

SBAC Practice Test

Today we went to the computer lab and practiced how we will be taking the State SBAC tests this year. I showed everyone the practice test site so they could familiarize themselves with the test functions, particularly the various tools they have access to when they are testing such as notepad.

If you are interested in practicing a little more the site can be found at Remember to just go in as a GUEST.

Friday, April 10, 2015

DARE Essay

Yesterday, Officer Batoy assigned the DARE Essay which needs to be completed in order to go to the DARE culmination on May 11th.

The essay is due on Thursday, April 23rd.

Information can be found on Google Classroom in the Language Arts room.

I recommend you get started on it soon. If you have questions, ask me in class and we can go over it.

Absolutely Truly

Next week we are starting a brand new book, Absolutely Truly by Heather Vogel Frederick.

We will be reading this book as a read aloud, however students are welcome to pick up their own copies from the library, a bookstore, or as an eBook.

If a student has an eBook version, they are welcome to bring in their device (kindle, tablet, phone) everyday, to read along with us.

This is strictly voluntary. Everyone will still be able to listen and enjoy the book with or without their own copy of the book.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

6th Grade Math Placement Test

The 6th grade math placement test will be given the week of May 11th. We will be taking the test as follows:

  • Monday, May 11th- Part A
  • Tuesday, May 12th- Part B
  • Friday, May 15th- Part C

If you are interested in the details of the test and learn information about what the middle school math plan is, please click on the link HERE.

Also, please keep in mind that we will still be taking the SBAC Math Computer Adaptive Test that week on Wednesday, May 13th.

If you have any questions, please email me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mark Your Calendars!

We have many things in store for our last few months of 5th grade. Please mark these dates on your calendar. Times for events will be sent out as they approach.

For testing, we will be taking 1 test per week starting the week of April 27th. Please make sure your student is at school on those days.

Testing Dates (SBAC and CST Science Tests)

Monday, April 27
     SBAC ELA Computer Adaptive Test
Monday, May 4
     SBAC ELA Performance Task
Wednesday, May 13
     SBAC Math Computer Adaptive Test
Tuesday, May 19
     CST Science Part 1
Wednesday, May 20
     CST Science Part 2
Friday, May 29
     SBAC Math Performance Task

**6th Grade Placement test has yet to be scheduled

Field Trips & Events

Monday, May 11
     DARE Graduation AVHS Theater 6:30pm
Friday, May 15
     PUSD Short Film Festival
Wednesday, May 27
     A's Game
Wednesday, June 10
     Pool Day-- Pleasanton Aquatic Center
Thursday, June 11
     Field Day
Friday, June 12
     Culmination  MPR; Time TBD

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

PUSD Short Film Festival

PUSD is hosting their first Short Film Festival. Participation is optional, but check out the links below to get all the details. It is sure to be a fun night of films created by students through the PUSD.

Submissions are due by April 30, 2015.

If any of you end up participating, please make sure you let me know so we can watch your film in class! Remember you can only make one video, so make sure you are 100% happy with it before you submit. 

Be a film creator and
join the festival!
Screen Shot 2015-03-15 at 11.21.15 PM.png
Click HERE for all the details, sample videos and a form to turn in your video! This will be an amazing event you won’t want to miss out on!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

CNN Student News

Every day CNN produces a Student News segment which allows the students to gain knowledge on the current events of the world, but through a student viewpoint. We try to watch at least once a week (depending on the day's topics), and today the students were able to share their thoughts on the news around them.

Various topics included:
  • Cyclone that hit the islands of Vanuatu
  • Snowstorm in Boston
  • Ending chemical weapons 
  • St. Patrick's Day 

Check out our thoughts on the current events we learned about today! You can see it embedded below, or by clicking on the link HERE.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Digital Citizenship Week

This week is PUSD's Digital Citizenship Week. We've been talking about being a good citizen online all year long. The more we use technology the more important it is that we are aware of what we're doing online.

A great online tool for anyone to access is Common Sense Media, , where parents can get more information on how to help your children be safe online.

Monday, March 9, 2015

This Week

Here's a quick update of some important events & dates happening this week as our 2nd trimester comes to a close. Last Friday was the final day for 2nd trimester grades. Today is the beginning of 3rd trimester. We're already two-thirds of the way through 5th grade!


  • Rosa Parks Google Classroom assignment due Wed, 3/11
  • Topic E Math Quiz Thurs 3/12
  • continue working on Hatchet presentation

Important Dates:

  • Thurs 3/12 & Fri 3/13 are minimum days. School gets out at 12:30.
  • Report Cards will be sent home Friday 3/13
  • BYOD 3/13

Next week:

  • Historical essays will be finished
  • Book Fair 3/16- 3/20

Spring Break is 3/30-4/6. School resumes on Tuesday, April 7th. 

Monday, March 2, 2015


Our class is in need of two items: glue sticks and tissue boxes. As allergy season kicks in, we're running through tissues at a rapid pace. We have also gone through almost 200 glue sticks since August.

If you are interested in donating either item please have your child bring it to school.

Thank you in advance!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wheelchair Foundation

During the next several weeks, Mohr School is is participating in a district-wide effort to support the Wheelchair Foundation. The 3 primary goals of the project are:

  • raise awareness about the need for mobility in the world
  • sensitize students to the issues faced by people with intellectual/developmental and physical disabilities
  • raise money to provide wheelchairs for those in need

This year, our monetary goal at Mohr is to collect donations that represent $2.50 per student. That would be the equivalent of providing approximately 12 wheelchairs for people who are unable to afford one. For less than the price of a school lunch, students can change a life by giving the gift of hope and mobility.

Donations in any amount are welcome, and may be made in the form of cash, checks (to the “Wheelchair Foundation”), or online at

Thank you for supporting this worthy cause and wonderful lesson in compassion for our students!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Lawrence Livermore National Lab

We had a great time at our field trip to the Livermore Lab. They have a ton of hands on experiments for the class to try out. I've posted some photos and videos from the experiments. All the students commented on how much they enjoyed it.

Some questions to ask your students:

  • What are good conductors of electricity?
  • What are good insulators of electricity?
  • How can you make a gas turn into a solid?
  • How much energy did you create by using the bicycle?

Friday, February 13, 2015

Guest Blogger- Anjali

Happy Valentine's Day!

We started off the day at 
Lawrence Livermore Lab!

We had a great time 
doing experiments
involving rockets,
liquid nitrogen, 
elephant toothpaste,
air pressure!

When we came back to class,
we had a Valentine's Day celebration!
Once again,
Happy Valentine's Day!

 More photos and videos from today's field trip to come!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Valentine Appreciations

In honor of Valentine's Day on Saturday, we spent some time in the computer lab today telling our friends and classmates what we appreciate about them. Below is our document, linked HERE.

Also, on Friday we are celebrating Valentine's Day in class. If you are planning on bringing in Valentines please make sure... (1) you have enough for everyone in class, and (2) you do not bring any candy with nuts.

Here's the list of the students' names this year:

Petar B.
Peter D.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

DARE box

Every year for DARE, Officer Batoy offers a contest to the 4 classes. Decorate your DARE box any way your class wants... the class with the best design gets a donut party.

Our class was very enthused to try and win the contest. This group of kids worked really hard during recesses and lunches, after school and at home to create this cool box. While we don't know if we won yet, they are very proud of what they created.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Dollar Drive

Our class is participating in the
Friends Helping Friends
Dollar Drive for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
during the week of Jan. 26th – 30th
Fill  a baggie or envelope with a dollar (change or paper will do - even checks written to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) and bring it to class to put it in your class bag –  it is that easy!!!
This wonderful organization is researching a cure for blood cancers!
Every penny counts in finding a cure, thank you for your support!!
To learn more, visit  or you can donate online at

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sinking Ship Panels

Today the students were introduced to their next speech... a persuasive panel. They have each been assigned a specific colonial job, however the ship they were traveling on is sinking. The life boats spaces are limited and there is only room for 5 people to be saved. Who will give a speech persuasive enough that they will be saved?

Our Sinking Ship Panels will be on Monday, January 26th. Students were able to collaborate with others to try and create a persuasive speech, though I recommend they continue to work on their speeches this week.

Recommendations: memorize your speech & don't forget the goal is to be persuasive!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Guest Blogger- Dhruvi

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Everyone's glad to get all the
Weight off their shoulders
And relax during the break.

Classrooms are making holiday cards and activities
The Christmas spirit is building in!
Happy Holidays!

By Dhruvi