Tuesday, March 24, 2015

PUSD Short Film Festival

PUSD is hosting their first Short Film Festival. Participation is optional, but check out the links below to get all the details. It is sure to be a fun night of films created by students through the PUSD.

Submissions are due by April 30, 2015.

If any of you end up participating, please make sure you let me know so we can watch your film in class! Remember you can only make one video, so make sure you are 100% happy with it before you submit. 

Be a film creator and
join the festival!
Screen Shot 2015-03-15 at 11.21.15 PM.png
Click HERE for all the details, sample videos and a form to turn in your video! This will be an amazing event you won’t want to miss out on!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

CNN Student News

Every day CNN produces a Student News segment which allows the students to gain knowledge on the current events of the world, but through a student viewpoint. We try to watch at least once a week (depending on the day's topics), and today the students were able to share their thoughts on the news around them.

Various topics included:
  • Cyclone that hit the islands of Vanuatu
  • Snowstorm in Boston
  • Ending chemical weapons 
  • St. Patrick's Day 

Check out our thoughts on the current events we learned about today! You can see it embedded below, or by clicking on the link HERE.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Digital Citizenship Week

This week is PUSD's Digital Citizenship Week. We've been talking about being a good citizen online all year long. The more we use technology the more important it is that we are aware of what we're doing online.

A great online tool for anyone to access is Common Sense Media, https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ , where parents can get more information on how to help your children be safe online.

Monday, March 9, 2015

This Week

Here's a quick update of some important events & dates happening this week as our 2nd trimester comes to a close. Last Friday was the final day for 2nd trimester grades. Today is the beginning of 3rd trimester. We're already two-thirds of the way through 5th grade!


  • Rosa Parks Google Classroom assignment due Wed, 3/11
  • Topic E Math Quiz Thurs 3/12
  • continue working on Hatchet presentation

Important Dates:

  • Thurs 3/12 & Fri 3/13 are minimum days. School gets out at 12:30.
  • Report Cards will be sent home Friday 3/13
  • BYOD 3/13

Next week:

  • Historical essays will be finished
  • Book Fair 3/16- 3/20

Spring Break is 3/30-4/6. School resumes on Tuesday, April 7th. 

Monday, March 2, 2015


Our class is in need of two items: glue sticks and tissue boxes. As allergy season kicks in, we're running through tissues at a rapid pace. We have also gone through almost 200 glue sticks since August.

If you are interested in donating either item please have your child bring it to school.

Thank you in advance!