Friday, August 28, 2015

Our First Week Together

Wow! What a great first week of school! I can already tell we are in for a really fun time together. This week we tried a couple of different group activities.

The first one was "Save Fred"... students had to save Fred (a gummy worm) from his capsized boat by putting his life jacket on him. The one problem... they couldn't touch anything with their hands, only the four paper clips provided. Students really had a fun time trying to maneuver Fred into his life jacket.
Then today we participated in the Marshmallow Challenge! Each group was given 20 pieces of dry spaghetti, 1 yard of tape, 1 yard of string, and 1 marshmallow. The problem... make the tallest freestanding structure that can support the weight of 1 marshmallow at the top. Only 2 groups were able to keep their structure standing, with the tallest one being 20 inches!

Can't wait to see what we have going on the rest of the school year!

Also, parents, if you haven't filled out our contact form, HERE, please do. It will help me collect everyone's email addresses. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Field Trip Drivers Wanted

If you are interested in being one of our driver's this year, please make sure you have signed up HERE to get added to our class list.

Our first field trip will be in the middle of October. In order to drive you need these two forms filled out and turned in to the front office.

  1. Driver's Insurance Form... fillable form found HERE
  2. Volunteer Clearance Form... which you should have turned in during Walk-Thru Registration. If not you can get one from Mrs. Wolfinger or Mrs. O'Neal in the office.

Thank you in advance to the 8 parents who have already signed up to be drivers this year. We appreciate you!

Back to School Night

Don't forget.... 
Back to School Night is tomorrow (Thursday)!

in the MPR 
for a message from Mrs. Berglin

in Room 12C (upstairs) 
for class information

See you then!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Back to School Action Items

I'm so thrilled to have your family in my classroom this year. To help make things quicker on Back to School Night on Thursday there are three things to complete before you come to the classroom.

First, please fill out the form below with your information for this year's class list. Most important class information is either emailed out, sent out using Remind, or posted on this site.

Also, please make sure you submit your email address to this site, which is found in the right hand column. This will keep you updated regularly of events, important dates, etc.

2015-2016 Contact Information

There are two sign ups that every parent needs to check out this week...
  1. Parent Volunteers: 2 room parents are needed to work together to help plan parties, send emails, be a liaison for PTA information, etc. Also please sign up to be a driver for any future field trips
  2. November Conferences: please sign up for a report card conference time that will be held the week of November 16th.

Please link up with me through Remind. Remind will let me send out important reminders of tests, projects, holidays, etc. straight to your phone or email!

1st Day of School

Welcome to the Wilcox Crew! I'm so excited to start the school year with all of you in my class! I hope you will have a wonderful 5th grade year with me. We are going to have a lot of fun and learn a lot of things! Get ready for an exciting final year at Mohr!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Welcome to the Wilcox Crew! Can't wait to meet you all on Tuesday!