Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekly Update 4/24/16

Progress reports and Friday Folders went home on Friday. Check for the latest assignments and grades. The students' Historical Information Reports are still in the process of being graded.

A quick update on a few things happening this week:

  • Declaration of Independence Flipbooks due on Wednesday, April 27th
  • work on Hatchet presentations... will be due after we finish reading

Also as we start our reading and writing unit on Argument/Persuasive, students are invited to bring in their devices all week. Students can bring in a smart phone/iPod touch, tablet, or laptop every day next week as we look up articles and videos to build our ideas and prepare opinions. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Upcoming Testing Dates

As many of you are aware, the month of May is a busy time for testing. 5th grades takes the CST Science Test, on top of the CAASPP in both Language Arts and Math. Below are the testing dates. Please make sure your student is at school on these days, are well rested and have eaten breakfast before coming to school. Make-up testing will be at the end of May.

Week of May 2nd- CST Science Testing (actual dates TBD)
Tuesday, May 10th- CAASPP Language Arts Computer Adaptive Test
Thursday, May 12th- CAASPP Language Arts Performance Task
Monday, May 23rd- CAASPP Math Computer Adaptive Test
Tuesday, May 24th- CAASPP Math Performance Task

Also occurring in May is the 6th grade math placement test. Please read through the attached letter from Ken Rocha, Director of Secondary Education regarding the specifics of the 6th grade math placement test.


There are a few important dates regarding information nights. The actual test dates have not yet been scheduled. Your student will be notified when the test is scheduled.