Friday, September 30, 2016

Weekly News: Week 7

This week was the Book Fair. The students had a wonderful time browsing and shopping all the latest titles. It's always a great week at our school. Thank you to all the families who donated a book to our class library!

We also started our Read-A-Thon this week! Students have been busy reading in class, helping to earn money for our school and the library. Our class has already earned over $200! The Read-A-Thon continues through Friday, October 7th so students still have the opportunity to join in and get donations.

As you know, last Thursday we had our Kids Against Hunger event. It was an amazing experience. Check out this video made by Eagle TV chronicling the event.

Every week in computer lab we have been using the program which has amazing math concepts! The kids work through the lessons for more practice and support. If you are interested in having your student practice this at home, just have them ask me for their password so they can login.

Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, 10/4- Auction... students can sell items they have made (artwork, jewelry, food, etc). It must be handmade, not store bought. All food items need to have ingredients listed in order to sell them. No nuts.
  • Wednesday, 10/5- Bring Your Own Device class party. After a lot of hard work the students have earned enough rewards for their first class party. Students may bring in a device: laptop, tablet, or phone. The only requirement is that it must connect to wireless. Students who bring in a device must be willing to share with other classmates.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekly News: Week 6

Kindness Week was a huge success! Students worked on "Random Acts of Kindness" all week long, looking for ways to help one another. On Thursday we had our Kids Against Hunger event, which was absolutely amazing. All the students in the school had a helping hand in packing thousands of meals.  Our class reflected on how meaningful it was for them to be part of such a wonderful event.

In Reader's Workshop we started book clubs. The students are in small groups of 4 to read and discuss new novels. We've only been going for a couple of days but the students are already making great connections to their books.

On Wednesday we took the Module 1 test, which should be in your student's Friday Folder. Today we started Module 2, which is a much longer module. We will be in this module for awhile. Make sure your students use the video resources if they are feeling stuck.

Also, if you haven't seen the videos that Eagle TV is producing, check out the YouTube channel, HERE. This club has 4th and 5th graders filming, editing, and producing all its content.

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday 9/26 through Friday 10/7- Read A Thon... sign your students up to help raise money for the school. All the reading is done in class.
  • Monday 9/26 through Friday 9/30- Book Fair in the Library
  • Monday 9/26- students should finish their narrative final drafts in class. 
  • Tuesday 9/27- Book Fair Family Night 6-7:30pm
  • Wednesday 9/28- Mrs. Davidson art session
  • Thursday 9/29- September Pay Day
  • Friday, 9/30- Library books due

Friday, September 16, 2016

Weekly News- Week 5

We had a very busy week this past week: students had their first Social Studies quiz, Mr. Duncanson came to visit and helped teach us about improv and social skills, we're beginning to learn about Native Americans, we're finishing up Module 1 in math, and most importantly we had an assembly about next week's Kids Against Hunger event...

Kids Against Hunger is coming to Mohr Elementary School! Fill a bag of food, fill hearts with kindness!

Kids Against Hunger (with the support of Friends Helping Friends and  the Mohr PTA) would like to invite the students of Mohr Elementary to participate in a kindness project that will be taking place on

Thursday, September 22nd!

TK, K and 1st will decorate bags and 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th will package
This is a wonderful way to help feed hungry children around the world!

Kids Against Hunger is a non profit organization that enables kids to pack meals of specially designed nourishing food for children in malnourished nations around the world. Each meal costs 25 cents so 100 meals costs $25.

In order for our school to participate in this kindness project, we are asking the students of Mohr Elementary to raise $5 each to pay for the cost of the food that we are bagging.  Greater donations are also encouraged!  Please bring your donations in cash or check (made payable to Kids Against Hunger) in an envelope or baggie,  by Friday, September 23rd.  Students will turn their donations into their teachers :)  

We would like for the kids to see if they can come up with a way to earn that money on their own and then donate it.  Some ideas include: doing chores around the house or collecting spare change.  Earning and donating the money will be a much more valuable experience than just being given the money.  Also, please have your child bring in their $5 as soon as possible and share how they earned it :)  They will be encouraging others and demonstrating how helping others can be fun!

Thank you in advance for your support!

For more information about Kids Against Hunger please visit

Friday Folders
This week's Friday Folders contain your student's latest Grade Progress Report along with the Weekly Progress Report. The Grade Progress Report is to keep you updated on their latest scores. These are for you to keep. I only need the Weekly Progress Report returned with your signature. 

Thank you for all your help in getting this school year off on the right track!

Next week's events & upcoming tests:

  • Monday, 9/19- Flag Salute to kick off Kindness Week
  • Wednesday, 9/21- Module 1 Math Test
  • Wednesday, 9/21- Pinwheels for Peace
  • Thursday, 9/22- Kids Against Hunger
  • Friday, 9/23- Spirit Day-- Peace, Love, Happiness (Hippie Day)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Kids Against Hunger Event

On Thursday, September 22nd we are hosting Kids Against Hunger for a Kindness Celebration at our school!  Students in grades 2nd - 5th will be packing meals and we need parent volunteer help!  If you are interested, please go to Sign Up Genius and pick a two hour slot that you would like to volunteer in.  Volunteers will be monitoring and helping in food stations!  It is an amazing event, we hope you can join us!

Our class will be filling bags from 8:30-9:00am, so I hope you can join us in the morning!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Weekly News: Week 4 & Friday Folders

Another week of school done! Week 4! We had a busy week with picture day, our first math test, as well as learning about the U.S. government.  Students are reading and writing a lot, producing lots of true stories from their lives, while reading books they enjoy.

Today, your student should have their red Friday Folder with them. This folder will start going home every Friday with a few things inside: their Weekly Progress Report, as well as their latest tests and assignments. In today's folder you should see their Mid Module 1 math test, as well as a few assignments from the beginning of the year.

It is important that you review their Progress Report, where I highlight their current strengths and concerns. This report is to help keep you apprised of everything that is happening at school. Please sign and have your child return the progress report and their red folder on Monday, Sept 12th. All of the school work papers are yours to keep. If you have questions regarding the Progress Report you can email me, or simply write a comment at the bottom of the page.

About once a month, you will also get a Grade Progress Report which will have your student's current grades in each subject. This takes a few weeks to get going, as we do not have very many assignments yet.


Upcoming Events:

  • Band & Strings meeting on Monday, Sept 12th. Students should have their instruments.
  • Library Books due Monday.
  • Scholastic Book Orders due on Wednesday, Sept 14th. Order online at and use our code GVYZL to join our classroom
  • Social Studies Government quiz on Wednesday, Sept 14th


  • We are in need of Kleenex boxes. If you are willing to donate a box or two we would greatly appreciate it!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Weekly News: Week 3

I can't believe it's already September! These three weeks have really flown by. Students have started seeing Ms. Britto for science, and all our subject areas are up and running.  On Wednesday we had our first "Pay Day"... learning how to deposit our paychecks, earn bonuses, and pay fines!

Don't forget, Monday is Labor Day... I hope you all have a fun and relaxing three day weekend!

A few things to remember for next week:

  • Tuesday-- Safety Valets!
    • The new schedule is out and our class is scheduled for this week. Students received their new schedule today and should be at school on time for their shift. A few students are thinking about joining in, as well, to help make sure our MWF mornings are covered. Thank you to all of you who volunteered!
  • Tuesday-- Kindness Ambassador applications due
    • Ms. Britto had an informational meeting this past Wednesday. All interested students should have their forms with them on Tuesday so they may be considered. 
  • Wednesday-- Mid Module 1 Math test. 
    • Students received the study guide today, as well as a sheet with sample problems to work from. We will be reviewing for the test on Tuesday. All our math tests this year will be taken on the computer, to better prepare them for the state testing in May. Students should study this weekend for the test, which covers lessons 1-8. Don't forget there are videos for each of the lessons, found HERE. And I've also linked up our Study Guide, so you can see the types of questions your students should study, HERE. We will go over all the correct answers on Tuesday.
  • Thursday-- Picture Day!
    • If you have not already ordered your pictures for this school year, go to and use the school code BY416636Q0 to order online. We will be taking individual student pictures as well as a class photo.