Wow! Outdoor Ed was amazing! We have been talking non-stop since we got back about all the wonderful things we experienced. Tidepools, puppet shows, elephant seals, and the Redwoods all led to experiences we will never forget. It may have rained pretty much the entire time we were there, but it gave us a lot of amazing experiences! We will never forget the trek at Ano Nuevo to see the elephant seals and walking through mud and puddles. Once we embraced our wet feet, there was no stopping us!
Thank you to all our wonderful chaperones who helped make this trip possible! Thank you Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Lai, Ms. Bellare, Mrs. Khansa, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Yalamanchi, Mr. Bollu, and Mr. Chen! You are all amazing for joining us on this trip!
More pictures will be posted soon... don't forget to check out our photo site
HERE, to see photos as they are added!
Thursday and Friday were pretty mellow days. We were all pretty tired, but we learned about our Colony Video Project & we started a new class novel,
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. We also started to write a free verse poem about our Outdoor Ed experience. Today we tried the Marshmallow Challenge and realized it's much harder to work together and build a free-standing tower than we originally thought.

- Monday, Feb 13th
- Tuesday, Feb 14th
- Valentine Exchange... please bring a valentine for every classmate if you plan on bringing in Valentines
- Friday, Feb 17th
As we are working on our colony videos students are allowed to bring in their devices on the following days: Wed 2/15; Thurs 2/16; Tues 2/21; Thurs 2/23; Fri 2/24