Frequently Asked Questions
Will I have homework?
Yes. I usually give homework every day Monday-Thursday. You should only have homework on the weekend if it is part of a long-term project, or if you are making up any work missed with you were absent.
An average day of homework usually consists of:
- Flipped math video lesson
- 20 minutes of reading
- Spelling (weekly packet)
- Science or Social Studies work
Why do we even have homework?
Homework gives you a chance to practice, much like you practice skills for your sports teams or dance or piano. To get good at something, you need to practice, practice, practice!
What if I turn in my homework late?
Not turning in your homework on times means you won't get the practice you need in order to be where you need to be for the next day's lesson. Also, if we go over the homework in class, you will not be in the best possible position to ask good questions. It will also cause you to receive a fine in our Class Economy.
What if I don't know how to do some of my homework?
That's a good question. First, I recommend that you ask your parents or call a friend from class for help. Second, make sure that you go ahead and fill it in, draw, or write something-- don't leave it blank! By giving it your best guess possible, I will at least be able to see what you were thinking as you worked on it, and will know how to help you the next day!
Should I study for tests?
The amount of studying you may need to do depends on the person. Some people need to study a lot, and others can get by with very little studying. You need to figure out what helps you succeed and earn good grades. Study guides will be provided a few days in advance of tests. It's in your best interest to study the material included.
Where do we line up on the blacktop?
Find the 12C spot painted on the ground, off towards the fence side of the blacktop. Form 2 lines: 1 fr girls and 1 for boys and stand next to each other, making sure you don't get in the way of other classrooms.
Where do we line up on rainy days?
In the MPR you should find the sign that says WILCOX and stand in a line in front of it. We are usually in the far corner of the MPR. As 5th graders it is important to set a good example on how everyone should line up in class.
Will we eat snack on Wednesdays since there is not a 1st recess?
Yes. Since there is not a morning recess on Wednesdays we will be eating snack and taking a break outside on Wednesdays.
Can I eat in class?
Eating snack should be reserved for 1st recess, but if you are really feeling hungry in class, just ask.
Can I drink juice or milk in class?
Due to the possibilities of spills I ask that you only drink water in class. I highly recommend bringing in a reusable water bottle that you can refill, particularly on PE days. It's important to stay hydrated!
Will we be participating in BYOD?
If you've heard from past classes, we do participate in BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) days. These days are earned, and it allows us to bring in phones, tablets, and laptops to use and enhance our curriculum.