grading policy


Report Cards are given three times a year: November, March, and May.

(4) = 90-100%
(3) = 80-89%
(2) = 70-79%
(1) = 69% and below

**4's are only available on the report card for writing, reading, and mathematical reasoning. However, I will give 4's on all tests so that students can easily see what their scores will look like in middle school. (Middle school equivalency... 4's = A, 3's = B, 2's = C, 1's = D/F)


Eureka Math
Tests, Quizzes, Projects:
  • Two tests are given per module. A Mid Module Assessment and an End of the Module Assessment.
  • Additional tests or quizzes may be given on parts of the module.
  • All tests will be announced in advance and the test date will be posted on the board in class and on our class calendar, linked HERE.
  • Class participation is important.
  • In math we will be using the Flipped Lesson homework model. Students will preview the next day's lesson by watching a HW video and completing a few questions online. This allows the students to think and prepare questions for the in-class lesson. The HW videos can be found HERE or in the Flipped Tab on our website. 


  • Students will read a variety of novels, short stories, poems, etc... over the course of the year.
  • Non-fiction reading will be a large component.
  • We are a "Workshop" classroom, which means we use Lucy Calkins reading and writing program. 
  • New "Benchmark" word study/spelling program.
  • Six Minute Solutions to build reading fluency.
  • Class participation is extremely important.
  • Students will write three different styles numerous times throughout the year (narrative, information, argument).
  • All writing assignments, whether formal essays or homework assignments, will be graded on a scale of 1-4, as per the report card grading system.
  • Formal writing assignments will be accompanied by a rubric graded score.
  • Class participation is extremely important.


U.S. History
  • A test, project, or presentation may be given at the end of each unit as an assessment.
  • A large portion of a student's grade will be their Social Studies spiral notebook. They should bring it to every class. The instructions for the spiral can be found HERE, as well as within their notebook. 
  • Additional assignments may be given on parts of the unit.
  • All tests, projects, or presentations will be announced in advance and the due dates will be posted on the board in class and on our class calendar, linked HERE.
  • Class participation is important. 


Life, Earth, Physical, Engineering
Science is taught to our class by Ms. Britto. All questions regarding assignments, homework, and tests should be directed to her. You can contact her at


To learn more about how students will be learning about economy by earning wages, bonuses, and fines, check out an in-depth explanation HERE.


  • Homework may be assigned Monday through Thursday.
  • Students should not have homework over the weekend unless as part of a long term project or making up any missed work while absent.
  • Homework will be checked daily, and is used to practice concepts and monitor participation.
  • It is not a part of the final trimester grade.


  • Students may make-up any work missed while absent.
  • Students are responsible for acquiring any missing notes, information, etc. from Ms. Wilcox or a classmate.
  • Students have the same number of days they missed to obtain and turn in any missing work.  (For example: You miss 2 days of school, you have 2 days after you return to school to turn in anything you missed.)