Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Error Analysis

A new feature I've added to our class math tests is the ability for students to earn back some points for the mistakes they've made by analyzing their mistakes, after they get their tests back. Students can earn 1/2 point for every question they originally got wrong if they do these 3 things.

  1. Redo the original problem they got wrong
  2. Tell me what they did wrong the first time, i.e. "I multiplied when I should have divided."
  3. Write and solve a sample problem that is similar to the original problem.
Any student who originally receives a "1" or a "2" on their math test will be asked to complete this Error Analysis sheet. Students who originally scored a "3" have the option, but it is not required. The Error Analysis can also be completed on any Mathematical Reasoning questions as well. 

The link above should take you to a copy of the Error Analysis sheet, if you should need to print a copy, though students also have this document in their Google Drive.