Thank you to all the parents who helped encourage their students to try out Band and Strings this year. We have almost the entire class participating and they were excited to begin today!
Just a reminder that Band and Strings will be every Friday from 1:50-2:50pm. Students will be dismissed by their B&S teacher to go home for the weekend.
Starting next week, students should be starting to bring their instruments. This is a common forgotten item for students, so help them get in the habit of bringing their instrument to school every Friday. If your student ever forgets their instrument, you can leave it in the front office, where the lunches are left.
If your child is in Band, their teacher is Mr. Borris.
He can be reached at the email address: There will be a second band teacher, in the coming weeks, who will have half of the instruments.
If your child is in Strings, their teacher is Mrs. Muldoon.
She can be reached at the email address:
I can't wait to hear how they sound at the Holiday concert in December!