Today, students learned about their first speech! We are doing a Halloween inspired "Pumpkin Speech"
Check out the
requirements below. All students should be prepared to give their speech on Thursday, October 27th.
Pumpkin’s Halloween Night Speech
Thursday, October 27, 2016
October’s speech is Halloween themed! You’ll be telling a two-minute Halloween Night NARRATIVE about your costumed pumpkin!
To begin:
Brainstorm Halloween costumes for your pumpkin until you decide upon one that sparks your imagination
Brainstorm story ideas for your pumpkin’s Halloween night adventure.
Use any of these prompts as inspiration! You are not limited to these ideas.
It was a dark and stormy night when….
My friends and I were trick or treating and knocked on the door ….
Meow! The black cat was scared….
The white sheets with black eyes peering through holes of the costume gave no clue as to who the kid was…
Running down the street with candy flying, I saw….
A yellow glow was coming from the jack-o-lantern, only…
I couldn’t believe it… my brother was a werewolf!
They claim the house was haunted, but it looked okay to me, so….
I was counting all my candy when all of a sudden…
At the Halloween party...
The mad scientist was creating a new monster that could…
The large cauldron of purple liquid started to boil when…
I got an eerie feeling when I heard…
The mysterious object started floating in the air and…
The Halloween pumpkin turned into a…
Something in the closet made a strange noise, so I opened the door and…
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw…
You won’t believe this story, but it is true…
As I carefully entered the haunted house, the door shut behind me and…
The silliest Halloween ever started when….
3) Find a JUST-RIGHT pumpkin at the market - be sure you can carry it to school!!!!!
4) Decorate your pumpkins’ costume using material/paint/carvings, ANYTHING creative
Ex: felt, fabric, sequins, ribbon, cotton, feathers, foil, yarn, paint, foam, markers, clothing, buttons, hair
For no more than two minutes, you will narrate your story. Know it well enough to tell it from memory!

Include the following details:
Grading: pumpkin design, narrative content, preparation, time, volume, eye contact, gestures, expression, enthusiasm