Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mohr Traffic Protocols

Please take a look at the Traffic Protocols for our school. Help make the pick-up and drop-off area a safe area for all our students.

Mohr PTA's Newsletter - August 17, 2016

New Mohr Traffic Protocols

Dear Mohr Community,
We have been working with the City of Pleasanton and Pleasanton Police Department to improve the flow of traffic at Mohr Elementary School.  The City has suggested some changes that should help create a safer environment for students and their families.
Please enter the drop-off/pick-up lane near Guzman Parkway.  A white line separating the cars waiting to enter the drop-off/pick-up lane from the regular street traffic has been added.  Students may unload/load in the coned areas only (in front of the Kindergarten playground) as we have staff supervision and traffic valet helpers to assist.  We ask that students wait to be picked up in the front and wait for parents in this designated area only. 
When driving, please be sure to keep the space clear before the crosswalk and that there is no drop off or pick up taking place in this area.  The City has painted new “Keep Clear” signage near the crosswalk.  This will help ensure pedestrians are visible in the crosswalk.
Please do not make a U-turn on Dennis Drive from the drop-off/pick-up lane.  It is very dangerous and police officers may cite you. 
The Pleasanton Police also suggested that since our school parking lot is so constricted, we close the lot during drop-off and pick-up times.  Those with handicapped placards will still be allowed to enter.  This should also help reduce congestion during those peak times. 
Thank you for your support and keeping the students at Mohr safe!
Julie Berglin
Principal, Mohr Elementary