Friday, March 31, 2017

Weekly News: Week 30

Image result for spring break

Have a wonderful week off from school! I know we are all looking forward to a little rest and relaxation.

In your child's backpack today you should see a packet of work and a letter regarding all the important events for the last 8 weeks of school. 5th grade has a lot going on over the last few months so please keep that blue calendar handy. You can access the letter HERE or check them out below:

Upcoming Events:

  • Spring Break
    • Mon, April 3- Fri, April 7
  • Module 5 Test
    • Wed, April 12

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

CAASPP Testing Letters

Please check out the Parent Letters linked below about our upcoming testing. 5th Grade will be taking the CAASPP in both ELA and Math, as well as the CAST which is the new Science test.

English               Spanish               Korean              Mandarin

Also, a quick reminder... here is our class's testing schedule:

Monday, March 27, 2017

Social Studies Unit 5 Study Guide

This Thursday (March 30th) is our Unit 5 Social Studies test. Today we went over the correct answers in our study guide, which students had a chance to write down, but I've also uploaded my written version HERE.

A copy of the study guide was also sent to students' email addresses.

The test is worth 20 points: 6 fill in the blank, 4 multiple choice, 5 short answer questions.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Weekly News: Week 29

This week the students worked on finishing their Tuck Everlasting maps of Treegap, they spent more time with area and perimeter, and looked into events like The Boston Tea Party, The Intolerable Acts, and the First & Second Continental Congresses, as we gear up for our Unit 5 test next week.

Next Wednesday is also our Fun Run for STEAM! Keep collecting donations online, or in your child's envelope and return it next week. We are looking into adding a lot of really cool STEAM ideas to our school.

Just an FYI... below I've included our upcoming spring testing dates. Please make sure your child is at school on time those days.

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday, March 29th
    • Fun Run for STEAM! 5th Grade wears BLUE... students will get their shirt on Wednesday.
  • Thursday, March 30th
    • Unit 5 Social Studies Test
    • Pay Day for March
  • Friday, March 31st
    • March Auction

Don't forget... Spring Break is April 3rd-April 7th! School resumes on Monday, April 10th.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Weekly News: Week 28

This week we took our Mid Module 5 test to see how we understood volume of rectangular prisms, we finished reading Tuck Everlasting and have started a map of events, and learned all about Zentangles. It was a fun and busy week.

Most importantly, on Friday, we went to the Lawrence Livermore National Lab's Discovery Center where we learned new science concepts from a real scientist. I've uploaded a bunch of photos to our photo tab, but here's a few of the highlights...




Upcoming Events:

Thursday, March 23rd-- Eagle TV
Eagle TV release time on Thursday, March 23rd will be at 3:45pm.
Ms. Wilcox and Mrs. Carrolan have an after school meeting that will require us to leave campus at 3:45pm.  Please plan accordingly!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

School Poster Contest!

Be Respectful ⧫ Be Responsible ⧫ Be Safe

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School-wide Poster Contest
Promote the 3 Rules
and Eagle Expectations

  • Maximum size 11X17 inches
  • Must be original work --no clip art
  • Submit entries to your teacher by March 31
  • Voting and winners announced the week of April 10th
  • Winning entries will be displayed around campus

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mid Module 5 Test- Rescheduled

We were able to get through the first set of Module 5 lessons fairly quickly so I've moved up the Mid Module 5 Test to this Thursday, March 16th. This test features 11 questions and is focused on Volume. Students received the study guide today and felt very confident.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Weekly News: Week 27

This week was the first week of the 3rd trimester! We are two-thirds of the way done with 5th grade. Wow! In just a few short months all the students will be heading off to 6th grade.

Last week we had studied the Lincoln Assassination plot and learned a lot of new information. To show what the students learned they created Wanted Posters for John Wilkes Booth & we also memorialized President Lincoln. It was a fun way to end our mini-unit on Lincoln.

In math we started Geometry (Module 5)! We're learning about Area, Volume, and beginning to draw 3-d prisms. This is always a popular module as the kids love to figure out the different shapes.

Social Studies has us right in the middle of the 1760s as the colonies begin to realize they want to fight for their independence. We've learned about the French & Indian War, The Royal Proclamation of 1763, The Stamp Act, and The Quartering Act of 1765. Students are beginning to realize why the American colonies wanted to fight Britain for their freedom.

On Thursday we earned our second class party and had delicious root beer floats. It was the perfect way to cap off all the hard work they've done for the last few months.

Report Cards went home today with your student. Please sign the envelope and return on Monday.

Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, March 14th
    • Science Fair
      • bring your projects before school. 
      • MPR is open from 5pm-7pm for families

  • Friday, March 17th
    • Lawrence Livermore Lab field trip
      • 8:30am-12:15pm
      • students will be back in time for lunch at school.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Fun Run for STEAM!

Mohr School's Fun Run for STEAM
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

It's time for Mohr's 5th Annual Fun Run!  This event promotes a healthy lifestyle while fundraising for our school.  We will have two tracks on the fields behind Mohr (about 1/8 of a mile each).  Classes will be assigned a track, and students will run, jog, or walk as many laps as they can for 20 minutes during their scheduled time within the school day.  All students will receive a one-of-a-kind Fun Run for STEAM t-shirt.  Check out our generous sponsors below!  We envision the day to be filled with school spirit, music, laughter, and exercise!  Here is what you need to know for a fun and successful Fun Run for STEAM:
  • Online Donations!  Donations can easily be made online using PledgeStar.  Web based fundraising makes it much easier for you to request pledges from your family and friends.

    Go to

    1. Enter your name and e-mail address, then click Register
    2. Receive an email from Mohr Elementary with the subject "Mohr Elementary Fun Run for STEAM Instructions"
    3. Open the e-mail and receive your passcode.  Then, go back to where you entered your name and e-mail, and type in the passcode that you just received
    4. Follow instructions on screen to set up your child's profile

    When you finish with registration, the system will e-mail pledge requests to your family and friends, who can then make secure credit card donations online.  You will get notified each time a pledge is made, and your family and friends are sent detailed thank you notes with the Mohr PTA tax ID number.  You can track your pledge progress online as well.  Please call 888-598-7510 if you need help.
  • T-shirts will be distributed the day of the Fun Run for STEAM.
    Please have your child wear comfortable clothes and running shoes.
Regarding pledge sheets, we are asking for flat donations as much as possible this year.  Please use pledge sheets only as an alternative to online donations.  All pledge envelopes, checks, and cash donations should be returned to school on or before the day of the Fun Run for STEAM on March 29, 2017.  All donations are tax deductible.  Checks should be made payable to Mohr PTA (tax ID 94-3274369).
Prizes will be awarded this year based on levels of donations collected.  There will be prizes for the grade level and class that collects the most in donations.
Thank you in advance for your time, support, and donations.  For additional information, please see the Eagle Express or contact Rachel Cisneros or Shishir Gundavaram at

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Music Performance HW


May is Concert Season here at Mohr, and in order to prepare, I have asked your child(ren) to visit my Music Class Website to practice and memorize songs that they will need to know for their performance.  There are audio files of each song that they can download (free of viruses and free of charge) as well as lyric sheets that they can print out. Would you please aid your child in linking to my website using the link below, or by accessing it on my 
 Staff Directory listing?  Thank you SO much for supporting your child's Music study! 

             Most sincerely,         
             Mrs. Cathy Robertson ðŸŽ¶ðŸŽµ

🎼Mrs. Robertson's Music Class Webpage:

Monday, March 6, 2017

Module 4 Test Retake

On Thursday, March 9th I am offering a retake of the Module 4 math test to any student who received a 1 or a 2 on the OARS test. Many students made little mistakes that affected their overall score and I would like to give them a chance to change their score.

The test is available to review in OARS, so I recommend your student use their mistakes as a jumping off point for studying for the retake. The retake is also worth 24 points. I will take whichever test score is higher for your student.

If you are interested in having your child take the pencil and paper retake of Module 4, please sign the permission slip that is attached to their OARS test, that came home with them today. Only students with a signed permission slip will be allowed to take the retake. The test will be given on Thursday at lunchtime.

If you have any questions, please email me.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Weekly News: Week 26

This week was the last week of the 2nd trimester! We're already 2/3 of the way done with 5th grade. Wow! We finished up Module 4 in math and took the test on Friday, learned about the Lincoln Assassination to showcase our nonfiction reading and writing skills, as well as watched our Colony Videos in Social Studies! It was amazing to see how creative everyone was.

If you would like to view the class's videos, please check out our playlist HERE.

We have two big field trips to end our 5th grade year: the annual A's Game and Pool Day. The A's Game will be on Wednesday, April 19th and Pool Day is on Wednesday, May 31st. A $12 cash donation will help pay for parking and admission for the events.


  • Monday, March 5th
    • First day of 3rd Trimester
  • Friday, March 10th
    • 2nd Trimester Report Cards go home
    • No weekly progress report
    • $12 cash donation for A's Game/Pool Day