On Thursday, March 9th I am offering a retake of the Module 4 math test to any student who received a 1 or a 2 on the OARS test. Many students made little mistakes that affected their overall score and I would like to give them a chance to change their score.
The test is available to review in OARS, so I recommend your student use their mistakes as a jumping off point for studying for the retake. The retake is also worth 24 points. I will take whichever test score is higher for your student.
If you are interested in having your child take the pencil and paper retake of Module 4, please sign the permission slip that is attached to their OARS test, that came home with them today. Only students with a signed permission slip will be allowed to take the retake. The test will be given on Thursday at lunchtime.
If you have any questions, please email me.