Hope to see you tonight at the PTA meeting!
7:00-8:30pm in the MPR
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Panda Express Fundraiser
Calling all Mohr Friends and Families!
In an effort to bring every classroom at Mohr Elementary into the 21st century to enhance the learning experience for all our students, Panda Express on Santa Rita Road will be hosting a fundraiser on Wednesday, October 18th to help our school meet our Tech Trek goal of $70,000. We would love it if you could join us for lunch or dinner to help raise this much needed money for our school. 20% of all proceeds will come directly to our school. HERE is a copy of the flyer that you must bring with you in order to participate in this fundraiser. Tell your family and friends to join us. We hope to see everyone there! Thanks for your continued support.
In an effort to bring every classroom at Mohr Elementary into the 21st century to enhance the learning experience for all our students, Panda Express on Santa Rita Road will be hosting a fundraiser on Wednesday, October 18th to help our school meet our Tech Trek goal of $70,000. We would love it if you could join us for lunch or dinner to help raise this much needed money for our school. 20% of all proceeds will come directly to our school. HERE is a copy of the flyer that you must bring with you in order to participate in this fundraiser. Tell your family and friends to join us. We hope to see everyone there! Thanks for your continued support.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
PPIE Fall Gala
October 13, 6-9 PM, Castlewood Country Club, Pleasanton
Support staff funding at Mohr Elementary by joining PPIE for the 13th Annual Fall Gala - Night of the Stars on October 13, 6-9 pm at Castlewood Country Club. Pleasanton Partnerships in Education Foundation (PPIE) is rolling out the red carpet for a fun Academy Award style event - featuring red carpet and green screen photos, student films, and wine pours from school principals!
PPIE is also offering extensive raffle and auction items, including school-made centerpieces, two trips to Los Angeles to see live tapings of The Voice and the Late Late Show, one week at a lovely vacation home in Hawaii, and more - visit the PPIE website for full listing.
Tickets are $75 (or $60 each for a Table of 10). The proceeds of the event will be used for supplemental staffing at Mohr and all PUSD schools (librarians, site tech, counselors, intervention teachers, etc.), as well as for PPIE's helpful teacher and student grants.
So, please register here - you can even indicate seating preferences (with friends, school, etc.). Get your tickets today!
Friday, September 22, 2017
Week 6 Newsletter
What a busy week we had! Thursday was International Peace Day, so our whole school put out pinwheels on the school's Peace Hill. A perfect, windy day for pinwheels! Students worked hard on their Native American Regions presentations, which they presented in class on Wednesday. And last, in Reader's Workshop we are now working in Book Clubs to promote deeper conversations on what we are reading. The class was very excited to start Book Clubs!
A note from Mrs. Robertson:
Mrs. Robertson, our music teacher, has asked students to visit her site so they may learn the lyrics to the various songs they are practicing with her. Please have your students access the site HERE.
Upcoming Events:
A note from Mrs. Robertson:
Mrs. Robertson, our music teacher, has asked students to visit her site so they may learn the lyrics to the various songs they are practicing with her. Please have your students access the site HERE.
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, Sept 25th
- Outdoor Ed souvenir forms & checks are due
- Book Fair begins at Mohr
- Tuesday, Sept 26th
- Family Night at Book Fair, 6:00pm-7:30pm
- Friday, Sept 29th
- Pay Day!
- Monday, Oct 2nd
- Outdoor Ed checks due (made payable to PUSD)
- Auction!
Friday, September 15, 2017
Week 5 Newsletter
This week started off with us having a great discussion on heroism and then reading the story 14 Cows for America to help us remember September 11th. In Social Studies we started our Native American Regions group projects, which will be presented in class next Wednesday. Writer's workshop is in full swing and we are furiously coming up with personal small moment stories to share!
Outdoor Ed is in a few weeks! Packets went home last Friday. Please work on returning those forms to me. Let me know if you have any questions!
We are also ordering Scholastic Books on Wednesday! If you have an order you'd like to place, please order online HERE.
Upcoming Events:
Outdoor Ed is in a few weeks! Packets went home last Friday. Please work on returning those forms to me. Let me know if you have any questions!
We are also ordering Scholastic Books on Wednesday! If you have an order you'd like to place, please order online HERE.
Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday, Sept 20
- Scholastic Book Orders due
- Module 1 Math test
- Social Studies presentations due
- Outdoor Ed Informational Meeting, MPR 7-8pm
- Friday, Sept 22
- Outdoor Ed packets due
Monday, September 11, 2017
Mohr Tech Trek... COMING SOON!
Mohr Elementary is trying to bring every classroom into the 21st century to enhance the learning experience for all our students. Our school is in critical need for technology infrastructure, classroom hardware, and technology curriculum. The Tech Trek is the largest fundraising effort for our school to raise much needed funds to support Mohr’s technological needs. Students will participate in a run-a-thon with their class on Friday, October 20th in hopes to raise the goal of $100 per student. Please look out for more information from our school's Tech Committee about this important fundraiser.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Week 4 Newsletter
What a busy week! Students took their first math test, we started our reader's and writer's workshop, we are learning about Native Americans in social studies and cells in science!
Today in students' Friday Folders they have their Mid Module 1 math test. After every paper and pencil math test we take, students can complete an Error Analysis to try and earn some points back. The Error Analysis paper can be found on Google Classroom or HERE. Students have one week to redo any problems they missed that they want to earn points for. However, their original test should never be altered in any way. No erasing or correcting on the actual test.
The Mid Module 1 Error Analysis is due Friday, September 15th.
The other important item in your students' Friday Folder is the Outdoor Ed packet. I know it is large, and some of the information asked for is redundant, but please work on filling out those forms. We are looking forward to a wonderful trip!
Who: the entire Mohr 5th grade
When: October 10 - October 13, 2017
Where: Camp Campbell (Santa Cruz Mountains)
Cost: $375 check made payable to PUSD. Due by Monday, October 2nd. If you are in need of financial help to cover the cost of the field trip please contact Mrs. Walsh in our office.
Informational Meeting: Wed, Sept 20th from 7pm-8pm in the MPR.
Friday is around the corner, and so is the 3rd annual Mohr Dandiya event, scheduled for Fri, 09/15, from 6-10pm in the MPR. We have received a few questions about the event, so we’ll try to answer them briefly here:
The word Dandiya literally means colorfully decorated sticks. In the context of this event, however, Dandiya represents a "stick dance" that is usually performed in a group. It is hard to explain, so take a look at these two videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=5NUfGMTMUew
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=wEcFFtDnyXc
Clearly, some of the attendees in the second video can’t dance, which leads us to the next question …
Of course!!! This event is designed to bring the ENTIRE Mohr community together. It will be a fun night to enjoy music, spend time with friends, and eat fresh Indian food. Your PTA will be THRILLED if you could attend. And please go ahead and invite your family and friends too!
See the videos above. Most of the attendees will wear traditional Indian outfits, but wear whatever you feel comfortable in, preferably something colorful. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us at SoarAtMohr@gmail.com.
You can buy them online at:
The price is $15 for adults and $7 for children from the ages of 5-11. This is the EARLY BIRD price. In order to plan the logistics for this event -- which is only 8 DAYS away -- and place orders with the vendors, we will be INCREASING THE PRICES over the weekend to $17 and $9, respectively. So, please purchase your tickets before the prices go up, or the tickets sell out.
First and foremost, you are contributing to your PTA; 100% of all funds will go to enriching the lives of our children and our school. And second, the ticket price includes the Dandiya experience bollywood style (i.e live music, dancing), introductory classes for adults and kids who want to learn to dance, music performances, and a 9 course Indian buffet. There will also be prizes for best-dressed boys and girls! And if you are a PTA member, you will get a free pair of colorful Dandiya sticks, while supplies last.
What are you waiting for? Click on the link above, and see you at the event!
Mohr PTA

The Mid Module 1 Error Analysis is due Friday, September 15th.
The other important item in your students' Friday Folder is the Outdoor Ed packet. I know it is large, and some of the information asked for is redundant, but please work on filling out those forms. We are looking forward to a wonderful trip!
Who: the entire Mohr 5th grade
When: October 10 - October 13, 2017
Where: Camp Campbell (Santa Cruz Mountains)
Cost: $375 check made payable to PUSD. Due by Monday, October 2nd. If you are in need of financial help to cover the cost of the field trip please contact Mrs. Walsh in our office.
Informational Meeting: Wed, Sept 20th from 7pm-8pm in the MPR.
The forms are due by Friday, September 22nd.
Friday is around the corner, and so is the 3rd annual Mohr Dandiya event, scheduled for Fri, 09/15, from 6-10pm in the MPR. We have received a few questions about the event, so we’ll try to answer them briefly here:
The word Dandiya literally means colorfully decorated sticks. In the context of this event, however, Dandiya represents a "stick dance" that is usually performed in a group. It is hard to explain, so take a look at these two videos:
Clearly, some of the attendees in the second video can’t dance, which leads us to the next question …
Of course!!! This event is designed to bring the ENTIRE Mohr community together. It will be a fun night to enjoy music, spend time with friends, and eat fresh Indian food. Your PTA will be THRILLED if you could attend. And please go ahead and invite your family and friends too!
See the videos above. Most of the attendees will wear traditional Indian outfits, but wear whatever you feel comfortable in, preferably something colorful. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us at SoarAtMohr@gmail.com.
You can buy them online at:
The price is $15 for adults and $7 for children from the ages of 5-11. This is the EARLY BIRD price. In order to plan the logistics for this event -- which is only 8 DAYS away -- and place orders with the vendors, we will be INCREASING THE PRICES over the weekend to $17 and $9, respectively. So, please purchase your tickets before the prices go up, or the tickets sell out.
First and foremost, you are contributing to your PTA; 100% of all funds will go to enriching the lives of our children and our school. And second, the ticket price includes the Dandiya experience bollywood style (i.e live music, dancing), introductory classes for adults and kids who want to learn to dance, music performances, and a 9 course Indian buffet. There will also be prizes for best-dressed boys and girls! And if you are a PTA member, you will get a free pair of colorful Dandiya sticks, while supplies last.
What are you waiting for? Click on the link above, and see you at the event!
Mohr PTA
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Kids Against Hunger Update
A message from the Friends Helping Friends club...
Friends Helping Friends would like to THANK the Mohr community for their donations of over $2,500 to Kids Against Hunger! This allowed the 2nd - 5th graders to pack over 12,000 meals during Mohr Kindness Week! Many of these food packets (decorated by TK, K and 1st graders) will be making their way to the storm victims in the Texas area after the tragedy of Hurricane Harvey. Together, the Mohr students make a huge difference! Thank you!!!!!
Another big, huge THANK YOU goes out to the parent volunteers that gave their time to make our Kids Against Hunger packing event such a success! We appreciate your time that you gave to us! Without you, we would not have been able to provide this amazing experience for ALL of our students!!
Friday, September 1, 2017
Week 3 Newsletter
This week was Kindness Week at Mohr! We shared messages of kindness, helped send food to the hungry in Haiti and those devastated by Hurricane Harvey at our Kids Against Hunger packing event, and ended the week with Hippie Spirit Day. It was a wonderful week to be a Mohr Eagle.
Thursday was also our very first Pay Day for our Class Economy. Students were able to learn how to deposit their paychecks, receive their bonuses, or even pay fines! The class had a lot of fun and I can tell they are all really enjoying the program. Our Pay Days will be the last day of each month. Next month, students will begin paying rent on their desks... they better start saving!
Friday was Auction Day! Students were invited to buy or sell items that they handmade. It was amazing to see what everyone brought in, and what people wanted to buy. The cupcakes and origami pieces were hot items! Our Auctions will be held on the first of every month.
We also started our Friday Folder/Progress Reports today. Students will be bringing home their black Friday Folder, all their work from the last few weeks, and a green Progress Report. The schoolwork is yours to keep. Students need to bring their black folder and a signed Progress Report back to school on Tuesday. This will happen every week.
I sent an email home regarding Coding Club this year. If your child is interested in joining, please follow the directions in the email.
Mohr's SciFy Club is open to 4th and 5th Graders! Go to goo.gl/Gq6mPu to sign up.
The regular Safety Valet schedule begins on Tuesday. Our class is the first class to go and they will begin Tuesday morning. Please be on time for your shift!
Upcoming Events:
Thursday was also our very first Pay Day for our Class Economy. Students were able to learn how to deposit their paychecks, receive their bonuses, or even pay fines! The class had a lot of fun and I can tell they are all really enjoying the program. Our Pay Days will be the last day of each month. Next month, students will begin paying rent on their desks... they better start saving!
Friday was Auction Day! Students were invited to buy or sell items that they handmade. It was amazing to see what everyone brought in, and what people wanted to buy. The cupcakes and origami pieces were hot items! Our Auctions will be held on the first of every month.
We also started our Friday Folder/Progress Reports today. Students will be bringing home their black Friday Folder, all their work from the last few weeks, and a green Progress Report. The schoolwork is yours to keep. Students need to bring their black folder and a signed Progress Report back to school on Tuesday. This will happen every week.
I sent an email home regarding Coding Club this year. If your child is interested in joining, please follow the directions in the email.
Mohr's SciFy Club is open to 4th and 5th Graders! Go to goo.gl/Gq6mPu to sign up.
The regular Safety Valet schedule begins on Tuesday. Our class is the first class to go and they will begin Tuesday morning. Please be on time for your shift!
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, Sept 4th
- No School, Labor Day Holiday
- Tuesday, Sept 5th
- Friday Folders and Progress Reports due
- Mid Module 1 study guide due
- Wednesday, Sept 6th
- Mid Module 1 Test
- Thursday, Sept 7th
- Order your pictures online or return the order form by Thursday. Students will be taking individual pictures and a whole class picture. Please be on time to school.
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