Thursday, September 7, 2017

Kids Against Hunger Update

A message from the Friends Helping Friends club...

Friends Helping Friends would like to THANK the Mohr community for their donations of over $2,500 to Kids Against Hunger!  This allowed the 2nd - 5th graders to pack over 12,000 meals during Mohr Kindness Week!  Many of these food packets (decorated by TK, K and 1st graders)  will be making their way to the storm victims in the Texas area after the tragedy of Hurricane Harvey. Together, the Mohr students make a huge difference!  Thank you!!!!!

Another big, huge THANK YOU goes out to the parent volunteers that gave their time to make our Kids Against Hunger packing event such a success!  We appreciate your time that you gave to us!  Without you, we would not have been able to provide this amazing experience for ALL of our students!!