Thank you to all our chaperones who joined us on Wednesday for our trip to the A's game! The kids had a great time, mainly eating, and watching the A's take on the Astros. Parents... if you have any pictures I'd love to get them sent to me!

We start our CAASPP math testing on Monday, at 8:15am, so please be on time to school. We are testing on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
- Monday, May 14
- CAASPP Math testing
- Band & Strings concert, 2pm MPR
- Tuesday, May 15
- CAASPP Math Testing
- Wednesday, May 16
- Human Growth Material Preview 8:00am in Room 12A (Kumar)
- Thursday, May 17
- Open House 6:30-7:30pm in 12C
- Art Show 6:00pm-8:00pm in MPR
- Friday, May 18
- Minimum Day, 12:30pm dismissal