Kids Against Hunger
Mohr Elementary
Kids Against Hunger (with the support of Friends Helping Friends) would like to invite the students of Mohr Elementary to participate in a kindness project that will be taking place on Thursday, September 20th!
TK, K, and 1st will decorate bags and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th will package the meals. This is a wonderful way to help feed hungry children around the world.
Kids Against Hunger is a non profit organization that enables kids to pack meals of specially designed nourishing food for children in malnourished nations around the world. Each meal costs 25 cents so 100 meals cost $100.
In order for our school to participate in this kindness project, we are asking the students of Mohr Elementary to raise $5 each to pay for the cost of the food that we are bagging. Greater donations are also encouraged! Please bring your donations in cash or check (made payable to Kids Against Hunger) in an envelope of baggie by Tuesday, September 18th. Students will turn their donations in to their teachers.
We would like for the kids to see if they can come up with a way to earn the $5 of their own and then donate it. Some ideas include: doing chores around the house or collecting spare change. Earning and donating the money will be a much more valuable experience than just being given the money. Please have your student bring in the money as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your support!
For more information about Kids Against Hunger please visit