Below is a wonderful opportunity for any students interested in science. If you are interested, please email Cynthia Tien.
Thanks! Ms. Wilcox
My name is Cynthia Tien, a current junior at Amador Valley High School. I am a part of a school club called Amador Valley Science for Youth, which focuses on engaging elementary school students in interactive science activities to further their exploration of science in particular areas. As a club, we value spreading the fascination and application of science to young minds, and allow them to dive into the world of science. We believe that these experiences will allow the children to expand their interest in topics already covered in class. Currently we do weekly presentations at Walnut Grove and have an audience of thirty fourth and fifth graders weekly. We also periodically do presentations at the Pleasanton Public library!
This year we are excited to announce that we will be hosting an Elementary Science Olympiad (ESO), which is an adaptation of the well-known Science Olympiad that currently takes place at the high school and middle school levels. (More information about the high school and middle science olympiad can be found here: Elementary Science Olympiad is a science competition consisting of about 13 or so events that cover a variety of science topics. Students of any potential can compete in these events. We hope that this experience will allow elementary school students to have fun while competing in various events that apply the knowledge they’ve learned over the year.
We are planning to host ESO on May 31st, at Amador Valley High School, from around 9 AM - 4 PM. Teams comprised of 10-15 4th and 5th grade students will be competing as partners or groups of 3 in 13 separate events; each student will have about two events. Results are calculated based on the rankings in these individual events. Event types consist of build, lab, and study events. Build events require students to make a product beforehand and test it on the day of the event. Study events require that the students research and learn a particular topic, which they will be tested on at the day of the event. Lab events require students to use knowledge that they learn beforehand and apply it to the situation they are given on the actual day of the event.
We'll be explaining more about the events individually, to interest kids in the competition. We want as many students involved as possible!
More info about the event can also be found on this site: http://esopleasanton. If you could forward this link to parents, we'd greatly appreciate it.
If you have any additional questions, please email