Monday, April 14, 2014

State Testing & 6th Grade Placement

Over the weekend you should've received an email from the district about state testing this year, and all the changes. Please know that this is a very transitional year, so information is slow. Here's what is known so far.

Fifth grade is taking 3 different tests: 
(1) Smarter Balance online testing,
(2) CST Star Science Test, and
(3) 6th Grade Placement Test.

The online Smarter Balance test is a completely new format and as such this year is a practice year. Students and teachers will be learning the new format of the state test, and while the students will be completing the test, their scores will not be known. Their scores do not count. You will not get results. If you are interested in seeing the Practice tests, please go to

The entire 5th grade at Mohr will be taking the Smarter Balance tests the week of May 12th. 

The CST Science test is the same format we have done for years with a test booklet. This is the last year of the CST format. As of right now, the test dates are not yet scheduled.

The 6th grade math placement test will also be taken sometime in the month of May. It's exact date is not yet scheduled.

Once these tests are scheduled, I will send out an email with all the dates.

I hope this clears up any confusion. Let me know if you have any questions.