Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Recycling Day- November 30th


Thank you to all who brought your aluminum cans and CA CRV labeled plastic bottles to our last recycling day. The new drive-through plan worked well and we were able to earn some money for PTA programs.

We'll have an area near the crossing guard where walkers can leave their bags of recyclables. Vehicles driving through the gate to the drop-off area need not exit their vehicles; volunteers will offload bags of recyclables. Drivers then continue in a wide U turn between the two rows of cars in back parking lot out through the exit gate, which will open automatically.

Here are a few reminders as you collect:

• Please crush aluminum cans and smaller plastic water bottles (screw the lid back on).
• Plastics -- ONLY "CA CRV" labeled items can be redeemed. Check the labels carefully.

• No steel/tin/food cans or glass, please.