Friday, November 9, 2018

Week 13 Newsletter

November is such a fun and busy month! We started report card conferences this week and they will continue on into next week. Look HERE if you need a reminder.

We've been enjoying different poetry styles while reading "Love That Dog" which is written in prose. The students are able to be very creative in their poetry as they learn six different poetry styles: couplets, haikus, quatrains, cinquains, limericks, and free verse. It is so fun to see how funny and creative they are!

We are also finishing up Module 2 in math, and will be taking the test next week. Students have been learning all about long division and it's time to see what they know!

Next week we will also be finishing up "Wonder" which we started way back in August! It's such a wonderful story and the kids love hearing the audio version with different voices for all the different perspectives.

Mon, November 12
No School

Tues, November 13
Minimum Day

Wed, November 14
Minimum Day (8:15-12:30)
Pizza Day!

Thurs, November 15
Minimum Day

Fri, November 16
No School

Mon, November 19- Fri, November 23
Thanksgiving Break!